What is Cumulative Abnormal Return? Easy Explanation for Investors

Understanding Abnormal Returns,

Stock market investments can sometimes be confusing. Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) is a tool that investors can use to understand how a stock is doing. Let’s simplify it.

What Is a Cumulative Abnormal Return?

First, let’s understand abnormal returns.

  • Normal Return: This is the profit we anticipate a stock to make given its historical performance and current market circumstances.
  • Abnormal Return: This is the discrepancy between our actual and anticipated earnings.

For example, if you expected a stock to go up by 5%, but it goes up by 7%, the abnormal return is +2%. If it only goes up by 3%, the abnormal return is -2%.

Understanding Cumulative Abnormal Return

Understanding Abnormal Returns,

Abnormal returns are useful because they show us if something unusual affects the stock. This could be news about the company or changes in the market. By looking at abnormal returns, you get a better idea of how the stock is performing compared to what was expected.

Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR)

Now let’s talk about Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR).

  • Definition: CAR adds up all the abnormal returns over a certain period. Instead of just looking at one day or one event, CAR gives you the total abnormal return over a longer time.

Why It Matters: CAR helps you see how a stock’s performance has changed over time. It gives a full picture of how the stock has been doing, not just a few snapshots.

How to Calculate CAR (Cumulative Abnormal Return)

Cumulative Abnormal Return

Calculating CAR is simple:

  1. Find the Abnormal Returns: Figure out the difference between the actual returns and the expected returns for each day or period.
  2. Add Them Up: Add all the abnormal returns together for the period you’re interested in.

For example, if you look at a stock over a month, you would add up the abnormal returns for each day in that month to get the CAR.

Example of Abnormal Returns

Let’s use a simple example to see how this works:

Imagine you are tracking a company’s stock over one week:

  • Expected Return: 1% per day
  • Actual Returns:
    • Day 1: 2%
    • Day 2: 0%
    • Day 3: 1.5%
    • Day 4: 1%
    • Day 5: 3%

Abnormal Returns:

  • Day 1: +1% (2% – 1%)
  • Day 2: -1% (0% – 1%)
  • Day 3: +0.5% (1.5% – 1%)
  • Day 4: 0% (1% – 1%)
  • Day 5: +2% (3% – 1%)

CAR for the week: +1% – 1% + 0.5% + 0% + 2% = +2.5%

For further reading, you might find the following resources helpful:


Investors can gain important insights into how well a stock is performing in comparison to expectations by understanding Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR). CAR helps you determine whether a stock has been performing better or worse than expected by monitoring the difference between actual returns and expected returns over time. This tool is particularly helpful for assessing how certain patterns or events have affected the performance of a company.

In conclusion, by summing anomalous returns over a predetermined time frame, CAR offers a thorough understanding of a stock’s performance. CAR can assist you in making better investing selections, regardless of whether you are examining long-term patterns or short-term variations.

For more detailed information on related topics, check out our articles on Financial Metrics and Investment Strategies.


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